Crystal Palace v BHA
Tuesday 18th October. Sainsburys, Norwood. Kick-off 7.45pm.
This match will be all-ticket for Albion supporters.
As the club expects this match to be oversubscribed, the Away Ticketing policy announced in February will be implemented.
Albion fans have received an initial allocation of 2,800 tickets for this match, priced as follows:
Adults: £30.00
Under 16s: £18.00
Over 60s: £18.00
The final 183 tickets of this allocation have a slightly restricted view and there is, therefore, a £2.00 reduction on these seats. Supporters allocated these tickets will be charged accordingly.
Applications will be accepted by post only and will be allocated to existing members of the Away Members Scheme and season ticket holders. These applications will be processed in order of date receipt.
Applications received by Tuesday 23rd August 2005 will be allocated as follows:
50 per cent to Season Ticket Holders
50 per cent to current Away Members
Applications that combine both Away Members and Season Tickets Holders will be accepted and will be allocated seats together (subject to availability). However, when these applications are processed, should one of the allocations of tickets have sold out before the other, only the application for the category that remains will be processed.
Applicants who are unsuccessful in obtaining a ticket from their specified category will be placed on file and should any tickets remain after the other category has been processed then these pending applications will be given priority.
Should any tickets remain after the the 23rd August, they will be placed in a general pool and will be available by postal application to Season Ticket Holders, existing and new Away Members on a first-come, first-served basis.
Applications should be sent to the Ticket Office, 5 Queens Road, Brighton BN1 3WA, enclosing a cheque (made payable to Brighton & Hove Albion FC) or credit/debit card details, a covering letter listing names, addresses and/or account numbers and stating whether applicants are Season Ticket Holders or Away Members. Applicants should mark their envelope 'Palace' in the top left hand corner and enclose an SAE.
There are six pairs of tickets available to wheelchair users. These will be restricted to one pair per Season Ticket Holder/Away Member on a first-come, first-served basis. These are priced at £12.00 per pair and may be booked by calling the Albion Ticketline 01273 776992.
Once tickets have been purchased they are non-refundable